From right to left : John, Myself, Production Manager Robert Brown, Associate Producer Larry Franco. The Juneau Ice Field. Location Scout April, 1981

Sunday, September 25, 2011



                                  Hi, all - I am the credited co-producer of JOHN CARPENTERS THE THING and was centrally involved in all aspects of its development, production, post-production, and release. I got the ball rolling by taking the idea of  making WHO GOES THERE, which I first read at age 12 and have loved ever since, to producer David Foster in 1976. Schoolmates at U.S.C. Cinema, it was always my goal to have John make this movie. In 1980, with events reaching critical mass, I finally got my wish - and judging from the result, you were granted yours... I am currently at work writing detailed essays on the re-structuring of the film as well as the ending(s) controversy and hostile reaction when THE THING, much like the creature it portrays, crash - landed in the frigid environment of 1982. I went down the rabbit hole with John during this time, and the experience was painful and long lasting...

                      I am stunned by the depth and extent of the turnaround in critical and popular opinion this film has achieved, and in the amount of thoughtful scholarship available online ( Outpost 31's deleted scenes section, for instance ). It's been a long time since John and I discussed making a " thinking man's " monster movie and THE THING's rise from the ashes and the quality of the debate it has inspired is extremely gratifying. I've mostly held my own counsel over these past years, not writing or talking much about my involvement in the film but I think the time has come to share what I know - there are stories to be told,  particularly in terms of the central drama always present during the films' production, and after - the conflict between ambiguity and clarity. How John came to terms with this dynamic, which played out again and again on multiple levels both on and off camera is the Rosetta Stone of  THE THINGS enduring power  and integrity, and will be the overall focus of this blog...

                    But for now, here is the first batch of shorter pieces, and some questions answered where I can ( in the case of THE THING, of course, there are larger questions that have no finite answers ). I 'll try to concentrate on information not generally known but I am still in the process of, um ,assimilating the vast amount of information out there, so forgive any repetition...   

    The first appearance of WHO GOES THERE? August 1938



  1. Wow great to see you doing this. Hope you can answer some of the long standing questions fans have had. Would you consider a Q&A from fans?

  2. Thank you so much Stuart. This is just brilliant for all us Thing fans :-)

  3. Stuart, have you seen this?
    Would love to hear your reaction on the blog.

  4. i'm so jazzed you started this blog. I was sure there was nothing new to be seen on the web about this movie, but now there is so much more to come.

  5. Thanks for your part in scaring my big brother. It was a small (unsettling) consolation in '82 to notice, while spastically trying to crawl backwards in my theater seat during the kennel scene (most effective dolly shot ever), to notice that my big brother was also spastically trying to crawl backwards in his theater seat. This is a wonderful treat, this blog, thank you!

  6. Thank you for helping make and sharing all this information on my favorite all time movie. Keep the posts comming each one has personal insights never know till now..
